Sunday, February 16, 2020

Starseeds-Are you a Pleiadian? 10 signs that you could be..

Starseeds-Are you a Pleiadian? 10 signs that you could be..

                              Are You a Pleiadian Starseed?

What is a Starseed?

A starseed is simply someone who comes to the realization that they have had other lives on different star systems. Starseeds have the sense that they came to Earth to raise the consciousness here and shift current paradigms.
This means we are all technically starseed, it’s simply a matter of whether we become aware of it or not. This doesn’t mean that starseeds are better than anyone else, others come to this life with different goals 

The Pleiadian civilization evolved millions of years ago and their DNA has been used to breed many humans.
The Pleiadians offered a genetic blueprint for the very first humans on this planet, developing life on Atlantis and Lemuria, as well as the dolphins and whales here on planet Earth today.
The Pleiades Star Cluster can be viewed from Earth in the constellation of Taurus some 400 lightyears away. Known throughout history as ‘The Seven Sisters’, this star cluster is a relatively young constellation. A group of Pleiadians colonized the Erra, a planet slightly smaller than ours and have been interacting with humans for centuries. Also called “Nordic Aliens”, they have a Scandinavian appearance, golden hair, slightly taller foreheads, and bigger eyes. They take a highly human form, but are actually extraterrestrial!


Millions of Pleiadian Souls have inhabited the Earth since the time of Lemuria. Their purpose is to advise us about Source consciousness and how to ascend with light, ease, and grace. But how do you spot a Starseed from the Pleiades?
Here are just some of the Starseed traits of the Pleiadians:


People who have been seeded from the Pleiades have an eternal desire for peace and happiness for humanity. Their energy is light, calm, kind and uplifting, and they’re a joy to be around. Others will seek them out to engage with their happy go lucky free-spiritedness.
They need peace and sharing to remain happy and balanced.


Often folks seeded from the Pleiades have a deep desire to please other people so have a habit of repressing their own emotions. Because they are highly sensitive, they can react hastily to criticism. They tend to forfeit their own needs in an attempt to please others which leads to resentment. This can develop into the use of passive-aggressive behavior, hoping their feelings will be acknowledged without conflict.


Pleiadean Starseeds can become physically ill around tension and anger. Often absorbing the emotions of the people around them, this can create energy blockages if not released over a period of time and lead to disease. They tend to release through crying and can attract throat chakra related physical ailments such as coughing or tightness if not empowered to express themselves.


Healing is the key attribute of Pleiadian Starseeds, and they can do it even unconsciously. They have the ability to nurture the souls of others, bringing about a profound sense of inner peace and even pain alleviation.


Their psychic and intuitive abilities are unequaled. Their gut perception of things is superior to the majority of the population and they find it easy to comprehend the intricacies and synchronicities of every-day life.


One of their most profound traits is the ability for verbal self-expression. This can lead them to wellness keynote speaking. They are also exceptionally good listeners because they genuinely care about their audience and offer valuable advice and guidance.
However, it is essential for them to develop communication skills and self-esteem so they can reclaim personal power, learn to communicate freely and become strong within.


Pleiadean Starseeds must learn how to allow others to experience what they have chosen, and not become personally affected. This will be easier when they realize that people have to be responsible for their own personal happiness and self-development. It’s not their job to make others feel happy.
Instead, they must focus on creating their own happiness.


Earth humans seeded from the Pleiades hold great faith and trust.
From a young age, they often have an innate sense of purpose and a desire to seek spiritual answers to life’s mysteries. As they evolve and rediscover their connection to the Divine, they learn to love themselves as perfect beings. This helps them to release old patterns, behaviors, beliefs, and self-doubts.


They can develop patterns of using escapist techniques to enhance their confidence including illicit substances, conjuring up sexual fantasies or romantic dramas, or simply becoming engrossed in sci-fi or the movies.


Pleiadian Starseeds who incarnate on this planet are renowned for their glorious almond-shaped eyes. They have light physical beauty and are born mostly into female human bodies.
They exude intriguing, feminine magic that entices men effortlessly.
These beautiful star people resonate strongly with nature and its creation so animals adore being in their company.
Did these traits resonate with you? If you are interested in reading more the we have on online store with many very low priced ebooks on subjects such as Starseeds, Anunnaki and Ancient Aliens.
                                                   Click Here to Visit Our Online Store
If these traits did not feel like you, then you could be from elsewhere:

Are you an Arcturian Starseed? 14 Signs That You Could Be...

Are you an Arcturian Starseed?

What is a starseed?

A starseed is simply someone who comes to the realization that they have had other lives on different star systems. Starseeds have the sense that they came to Earth to raise the consciousness here and shift current paradigms.
This means we are all technically starseed, it’s simply a matter of whether we become aware of it or not. This doesn’t mean that starseeds are better than anyone else, others come to this life with different goals.

As more and more of us are waking up to our soul truth, we are leaving behind old beliefs about our illusionary 3-dimensional reality. As we start to embrace higher consciousness and recognize that we are actually multi-dimensional beings, our Starseed origins are also becoming clear. And for some, this means the Arcturians.

The Arcturian race originates in the Bootes star system, which is around 36 million light-years away from our solar system. The brightest star in this constellation is named Arcturus.
The Arcturians are great communicators and here to teach and they love nothing more than sharing their wisdom. Arcturian Starseeds often share many traits, characteristics, and skills with Arcturians and even possess similar physical qualities.


Many of these incredible alien beings have a soul contract to incarnate on to Earth as Arcturian Starseed beings. They have come to Earth to be pioneers of a “new future”. Their particular focus is on technology and community living that emphasizes balance and sustainability.
Starseeds from Arcturus often have a multi-dimensional perspective of life, and have the ability to communicate telepathically and can transmit information in colors, geometric patterns, and even sounds.  The frequencies of these colors, shapes, and sounds may hold information, and lessons related to the structure of our Universe and the laws that govern it.
Arcturian beings like to use their vast foundational knowledge and apply it for use in physical applications. So, they will use their knowledge of sacred geometry and mathematics to design communities and homes. They will also develop new sources of energy or new methods of harnessing energy. Another gift from the Arcturus star system involves taking divine knowledge from the spiritual world and using it to manifest new technologies into the physical world.
People seeded from the Arcturian star system often resonate with frequencies of the throat Chakra, so they are attracted to communication and broadcasting information.



The Arcturians have strong personalities, are great communicators and are here to teach. They love nothing more than sharing their wisdom. Exuding a powerful presence, they outwardly present themselves as being extremely capable of anything.


Since childhood, they have known that they have a purpose in life but may not understand what that is until later in life. They have a burning desire to find this purpose which leads to investigating spirituality, the paranormal or metaphysics.


They frequently have inner feelings of dissatisfaction or unhappiness without knowing the cause. It is likely that they felt like the odd one out at school or within their own family.


Arcturian Starseeds are often found delivering speeches publicly. They have incredible abilities when it comes to speaking infront of others, possessing excellent timing and a great sense of humor. They’re often the life and soul of the party and get great satisfaction in making other people laugh.


They are extraordinarily creative, they love to express this through writing, music, poetry or as artists. They avoid expressing their deepest emotions, feeling more comfortable with either anger or humor.


They adore traveling, visiting different countries and cultures to expand their awareness. They have natural compassion and are often very empathic, loving and caring.


They may be fascinated by technology, quantum physics, astronomy, mathematics and sacred geometry, and may see colorful geometric patterns when their eyes are closed.


Arcturians incarnate into bodies that are highly sensitive to sounds, light, and smells. Some chemicals and additives in foods and household products can bring up patches of eczema or rashes on their delicate skin.


They can be prone to low blood pressure and tend to feel the cold more than other people. FOr this reason, they may be attracted to warmer climates.


They desire lasting change and are drawn into professions where they may get to design or plan sustainable communities for the future. They do not resonate with old structures or hierarchies.


They are hard to get close to and distant at times. They do not have many close, intimate personal friends but have many casual friends. If you get close to one, know that you have been carefully considered as a good choice for friendship. It is important that they can have a sense of personal freedom in intimate relationships. Time alone without having to explain themselves enables them to not feel constricted.


They require a lot of personal freedom in their intimate relationships. They prefer not to explain their actions, so the more that you can give them their space, the better the relationship will be.


It is not uncommon for them to ask deep, philosophical questions, so be warned! If you enter into a conversation with them, it might go into a lot more depth than you first anticipated.


Finally, they love planning, organizing and building. So give them your to-do lists and they will achieve everything easily and effortlessly.


If you wish to read more we have many free ebooks from leading authors that you can download for free. Just visit our website here.

                                    Click Here to Visit our online Store

If these traits do not resonate then you could be from elsewhere:

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Wednesday, February 12, 2020

3 Anunnaki Superpowers You Can Learn Today

3 Anunnaki Superpowers You Can Learn Today

              Can we really achieve super human                                                         powers? 

   "Though from our knowledge it is hidden, yet still forever exists"..Thoth 

In this article I will reveal some spells and techniques that were written in two ancient books. These techniques were said to be used by the Anunnaki, Atlanteans, Egyptians, Mayans and more. Firstly here's a list of the powers we discovered techniques and spells for:

1. Immortality
2. Astral Travel(to anywhere)
3. Telekinisis


There are several mentions of how to become immortal in many ancient texts. References to bread and water of life, fountains of youth and certain plants eaten by the ancients. But the technique here is from 'The Emerald tablets of Thoth the atalantean'. Thoth was not only an ancient Egyptian deity. He was known earlier as Gishzidda, or Ningishzidda and was son of the Anunnaki god Enki.
This is a must read book, that contains many secrets passed down to his priests before he left earth. The book is broken down into several keys.

The key to life and death read as follows:

"List ye, O man, while I tell the secret, reveal unto thee the secret of old. Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower, the source of the Spirit that binds all in its form. or know ye that the Earth is living in body as thou art alive in thine own formed form. 
The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit and streams through the Earth as thine flows through thy form; giving of life to the Earth and its children, renewing the Spirit from form unto form. This is the Spirit that is form of thy body, shaping and molding into its form. Know ye, O man, that thy form is dual, balanced in polarity while formed in its form. Know that when fast on thee Death approaches, it is only because thy balance is shaken. It is only because one pole has been lost. Know that the secret of life in Amenti is the secret of restoring the balance of poles.
All that exists has form and is living because of the Spirit of life in its poles.
 See ye not that in Earth's heart is the balance of all things that exist and have being on its face? The source of thy Spirit is drawn from Earth's heart, for in thy form thou are one with the Earth When thou hast learned to hold thine own balance, then shalt thou draw on the balance of Earth.
 Exist then shalt thou while Earth is existing, changing in form, only when Earth, too, shalt change:
Tasting not of death, but one with this planet, holding thy form till all pass away.List ye, O man, whilst I give the secret so that ye, too, shalt taste not of change.
 One hour each day shalt thou lie with thine head pointed to the place of the positive pole (north). One hour each day shalt thy head be pointed to the place of the negative pole (south). Whilst thy head is placed to the northward, hold thou thy consciousness from the chest to the head
And when thy head is placed southward, hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet. Hold thou in balance once in each seven, and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength. Aye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen and thy strength will become as a youth's. This is the secret known to the Masters by which they hold off the fingers of Death. Neglect not to follow the path I have shown, for when thou hast passed beyond years to a hundred to neglect it will mean the coming of Death. Hear ye, my words, and follow the pathway.Keep thou thy balance and live on in life"

I have been doing this technique daily for around 4 years now. It's tricky sometimes to find a two hours in the day, so the head of the bed is north. I take that hour just before sleep, and break the other hour up whilst watching a film say, or in two 30 minute sessions.

2. Astral Travel (to anywhere)

This technique is also from The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and is called 'the secret of secrets'.
It reads as follows:

"When ye have released the self from the body, rise to the outermost bounds of your earth-plane. Speak ye the word 'Dor-E-Lil-La'. 
Then for a time your Light will be lifted, free may ye pass the barriers of space. For a time of half of the sun (six hours), free may ye pass the barriers of earth-plane, see and know those who are beyond thee. Yea, to the highest worlds may ye pass. See your own possible heights of unfoldment, know all earthly futures of Soul. Bound are ye in your body, but by the power ye may be free. This is the Secret whereby bondage shall be replaced by freedom for thee. Calm let thy mind be. At rest be thy body: Conscious only of freedom from flesh. Center thy being on the goal of thy longing. Think over and over that thou wouldst be free. Think of this word 'La-Um-I-L-Gan' over and over in thy mind let it sound.
 Drift with the sound to the place of thy longing. Free from the bondage of flesh by thy will"

This will work with the utmost concentration and soft repetition of the words. For those adept in astral travel it will be easier. If you have not yet mastered the art of leaving your body then this book has a detailed explanation on how to do so in an earlier chapter. Many secrets and keys are revealed in this book and Thoth even tells us where to find his spaceship...
The emerald tablets of Thoth the Atlantean can be listened to free of charge on youtube by way of audiobook.

If you wish to have a copy to read then links to the ebooks are at the end this article.


3. Telekinisis

The abitity to  move objects at will, with the power of the mind.The next two techniques come from the book of Ramadosh. This is a 7,000 year old Anunnaki/Ulema book. It has 13 spells/techniques in total. We also have an ebook copy for $1, and will leave a link after the spell.

Here is how to  gain aptitude in telekinisis.
Firstly, as the book explains one must not smoke, drink alchohol or eat animal fat 2 weeks before starting to practice. It says we must first develop our conduit in the brain, and by practising techniques over and over we can begin to do this.  The book suggests to start with something small, such as a coaster. Do not be disheartened if it doesn't instantly work, keep trying until success is achieved. 
 1. Extend your hands out in front of you from the elbow up and shake them in the air for 4 or 5 seconds, this cleanses the hands of superfluous energy that may have accmulated on them.
2. With your arms in the same position spread your fingers and hold for 3 seconds.
3. Put your thumbs on the temples, with your fingers spread in front of your face. Make sure the thumbs arein the small indentation that is close to your eyes.
4. Rotate your thumbs taking your fingers to the back of the head where it meets the neck.
5. Push forefingers into the indentation and hold for 10 seconds.
6.Close your eyes.
7. Whilst still sitting with your back straight, bring your chin as far to your solar plexus as possible. This may cause slight dizziness. This is fine and part of the procedure.
8. Keeping your thumbs in their positions, release the forefingers and rotate your hands forward until you can fit them in the small indentation at the bridge of the nose.
9. The rest of your fingers should be kept in a horizontal position, the fingers of one hand touching the fingers of  the other hand, thumbs pointing down.
10. Move your thumbs toward each other and have them touch, Your hand will form a triangle, your arms in a position of 90 degrees  relatibe to your body.
11.  Say to yourself mentally 'I will now make the (coaster) move'
12. In your mind draw one line from the middle of your left wrist and another from your right wrist toward the coaster, Visualise the coaster betweenthe two lines.
13. Keeping your hands in the same position, raise your head and sit up straight,
14. Drop your hands down slowly. In your mind keep visualising the coaster.
15. Bring your arms close to your body so that they touch the ribs.
16. Move your arms so they are horizontal to the floor.
17. The left hand serves as a rod, moving the left line further to the left. The same applies to the right.
18. Keep concentrating on the coaster, with your eyes still closed, for at least 1 minute.
19. With your eyes still closed you will notice blue lines and bubbles.
20. At this point decide which side you want to move to oblect to, left or right.
21. Lets assume you choose the left side, open your eyes  and look at the coaster, move your left hand to the side and the coaster will move with it. You have accomplished your mission..

Well there you have it, 3 techniques you can learn and start practising today. There are 12 more Anunnaki spells/techniques in the book of Ramadosh These are remarkable things like time travel, dimension jumping, expelling problems, attracting wealth, becoming a healer and much more.
. You can read a full list on my blog article by clicking here

If you wish to read these two amazing books then here are some links. Although these books can be bought elsewhere, I have included the links to our own ebook store, which is the cheapest online and also raises money for rescue dogs.

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Do you possess these 9 traits? You could be a reptilian starseed..

Do you possess these 9 traits? You could be a reptilian starseed..

                       Could you be a reptilian starseed? 

Have you ever considered that you may actually have Reptilian origins? These misjudged beings can also be known as Reptoids, Dracos, Archons and Shapeshifters. Unfortunately, we mainly hear about the negative, lower frequency types but it is important to recognize that there are also those who have found their way up the vibrational ladder too.


The Alpha Draconians are the oldest known reptilian race in our galaxy. They are from the Alpha Draconis System in Orion constellation and are negative and powerful reptilians. This large population has been here for millions of years, continuously reincarnating into the same families on earth. They have their own private, elitist groups and their children are indoctrinated into satanic worship and dark occult practices.
Horrifically, their rigid agenda is to enslave the rest of the universe through death, destruction and control.
They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. Dracos species are capable of shape-shifting and have extremely developed Psionic abilities, which allow them to possess or enter bodies through consciousness projection. Therefore, as they originate from a Phantom Matrix system of Satanic based AI infected entities, many of these Draco entities.
Extraterrestrials that are hybridized with Reptilian based genetics operate in strict hierarchical systems of rank, and defer to their superior groups. The Dracos or Draconians from Alpha Draconis are in command of earth-based subterranean reptilians who respect their superiors in the belief system that the Dracs are those who hold “ownership” over earth and human beings. Draco Reptilians view themselves as the most intelligent species in the Universe and that earth humans are the result of their biological seeding processes from multiple planets.


They use mass media as a tool to program and enslave humanity with their web of lies. Meanwhile, they own every Central Bank and are slowly enslaving the planet in debt. Every war has been financed by them and they simply destroy any resistance to their plans.
So have you got Reptilian traits? Please remember that if you identify with any of them it does not mean you are an evil person. There are good and bad people in all races.


Their sharp minds lend them well to careers in science and maths or even professors in ancient history.


Reptilians prefer warmer temperatures or do not need as many blankets at night when sleeping. Rept


These dynamic characteristics can serve you well in the political world or any other profession where you have to implement a strategy to get things achieved successfully.


Some reptiles remain hidden in the daylight and only come out at night, due to light sensitivity. Reptilians would, therefore, be more likely to come out at night rather than bathing themselves in sunlight.


Reptilians watch the world like a hawk. They can talk anyone around to their way of thinking or doing things. Perhaps this is part of an ingrained program that helps them feel in control?


If you have been born with an extra vertebra, referred to as either a Transitional Vertebra or Cauda then this could be a sign too.


They make great actors and their humerus personalities often result in great success in obtaining leading roles in film or television.


Everyone has a section of the mind called the ‘Reptilian Brain’. It is responsible for the “Fight or Flight” response which is generally based on fear-evoking actions. This is what the mainstream media news targets every time you get sucked into the propaganda.


Compared to most other mammals, reptiles have lower blood pressure, so it’s very well possible that Reptilians have lower than average blood pressure too.
Which of these personality traits do you relate to?
If you want to read more about reptilians or alien races we have tonnes of free ebooks to download.

         click here for free ebooks and free gifts for Starseeds

If you didn't relate to those traits you could be from elsewhere:

Starseeds-Are you a Pleiadian? 10 signs that you could be..

Starseeds-Are you a Pleiadian? 10 signs that you could be..                               Are You a Pleiadian Starseed? What ...